What is Water Distribution System

Bhushan mahajan
2 min readFeb 20, 2021

The household consumers use water for several purposes like drinking, cooking, washing hands, and body, washing clothes, cleaning the house, watering animals, irrigating the garden, and sometimes for several commercial activities.

What is Water Distribution System

Different sources of water could also be used for various activities, and therefore the water sources available may change with the seasons.

Water Distribution System comes under the water system system. A domestic water system system may be a provision to deliver water from source to household with appropriate quality, quantity, and pressure by public utilities, usually by a system of pumps and pipes.

There are differing types of water distribution systems which are discussed here.

What is a Domestic Water Distribution System?

The domestic water distribution system means the source and infrastructure that gives water to the household. A domestic water system system can enter from different sources sort of a stream, a spring, a hand-dug well, an uneventful hall, or from a rainwater collection system.

The system of withdrawing water from the treatment plant and making it available in the least appliances (fixtures) to be used is understood as a domestic water system system. As per the utilization , the water system system carries hot & cold water throughout the house.

Pipes convey water from sources to varied appliances. The flow of water to appliances is controlled by valves and taps (taps). The used water is conveyed to the drain.

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Bhushan mahajan

Bhushan mahajan is civil engineer as professional and architect